Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to approach this season if you're a Cowboys fan

I am over 2008. It was a major dissappointment, probably the biggest dissappointment of the year in Professional Sports. But it's over. It happened. I kind of have a similiar atttitude to the one that I had two yea rs ago at this time. Two years ago, the Cowboys were coming off a wildcard playoff choke job against Seattle. And once it was over it was over. I knew, or at least figured that whenever the question of "How are the Cowboys going to do this year?" and my reply went somewhere along the lines of "they probably have as much say in the big picture as anyone" . That's the same for this year. The experts are quick to assume that Wade Phillips won't change, he's too nice and too much of a cheerleader. There isn't any question that the Cowboys have as much talent as any team, if not the MOST. It's the discipline. It's simple though for Coach Phillips. This team not only needs to be in the playoffs but win a game or two in order for him to be back as the head man in 2010. The best scenario in my mind if '09 turns out to be more of the same "underachieving talent", that Mike Shanahan ought to be brought in and Wade to be moved over to where he probably belongs, defensive coordinator. It's all a just wait and see kind of thing. And it's only June 17.

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